Summer Programs - Details
Young EntrepreneursAge Group: 12 & above
Skills: Business Logic Children learn how to create an enterprise with a product / service. They then use a step by step process to build a business plan for the enterprise. Specially designed curriculum with Professors from Ivy League Schools. ALSO! Watch your children present their plans to investors / sharks! Data & DecisionsAge Group: 10 & above
Time: 9am - 12noon Skills: Data Analysis Children gets introduced to work with data and learn to make decisions based on data. They choose a project, use Word, XL & PPT to layout & present their information. ALSO! Watch your children present their projects Live! |
Build Your Own Website 1.0Age Group: 8 & above
Skills: Creativity, Writing We teach children to pick a theme, create original content on the theme, apply it to a template, create web pages and publish their personal website*. ALSO! Watch your children build a working website for a real business! Create 3D Animations
Age Group: 10 & above
Time: 9am - 12noon Skills: Logic, Creativity Children learn algorithms, loops and basics of object-oriented programming. They create objects and animate them to tell a coherent story. ALSO! Watch your children create fun scenes and special effects! |
Create Your Own Comic
Age Group: 6 & above
Time: 9am - 12noon Skills: Creativity, Writing We teach children to create characters, expressions, build a basic 3-frame strip and expand it to a full comic book. ALSO! Watch your children’s comics come alive in a Kid’s newspaper! Math in Everyday LifeAge Group: 10 & above
Time: 1pm - 4pm Skills: Math, Logic Children learn how math plays a role in real life. They use data from fun scenarios and use MS Xl to solve the problems. ALSO! Watch your children present their real-life math case-studies! |
Make Your Own StorybookAge Group: 6 & above
Time: 9am - 12noon Skills: Reading, Writing We teach children how to script a story, illustrate it, review it (check for grammar & spelling) and to publish the story book online*. ALSO! Hear your children read their stories to an audience at an event. Build Your Own Website 2.0
Age Group: 8 & above Time: 1pm - 4pm Skills: Logic & programming Children learn how to program with html, how to change the source code of a site and to integrate flash & animation into their existing website. ALSO! Watch your children learn Javascript all by themselves! |
Game Design
Age Group: 10 & above
Time: 9am - 12noon Skills: Logic, Creativity Children learn the logic behind game design and a step-by-step process to create a game. They prepare a game design document, create characters, scenes, translate them into an actual game and create a way to test the game. ALSO! see them prepare for the National STEM Video Game Challenge! Enrichment Sessions
Age Group: 6 & above
Duration: 15 Hours Skills: Logic, Creativity Children engage in activities like craft, creating board games, working with circuits and other STEM related skill building. ALSO! Children are given time for coursework from AM sessions! |
We also offer
- After-school Programs
- Maker Faire Workshops
- Enrichment Sessions
(Math, STEM, ELA)
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* Conditions Apply. Mindbytes does not take responsibility for hard-copies of storybooks or website domain registrations.