#Proud Moments
- Mindbytes is a proud recipient of the ‘Developing Minds Award’ from the New Jersey Association for Gifted Children.
- We not only help children utilize their skills to express themselves but also provide them an avenue to showcase their work in public.
- Mindbytes created an event called “Meet the Young Authors” where children who participate in its “Publish Your Own Storybook” read their book to an audiene. So far, 100+ children have authored and read their books at Barnes & Noble, community festivals and libraries. In 2019, we teamed up our young authors with a renowned author and published a book - ‘Wallo’s Dliemma’ on Amazon!
- Another innovative offering from Mindbytes is the Young Entrepreneurs Program which offers middle and high school children the opportunity to understand how a business works and create a business plan for an original business or product idea they have. Mindbytes’ Young Entrepreneurs have gone on to launch their own initiatives such as giving cycle, Treesforme or patented their ideas, shortly after taking the program.
- Our students have presented about the importance of STEM education to the policy makers at the NJ State Capital during the STEM Month.

Cultivating the Creative Genius in Every Child – Practical Tips for Parents
Every child is a genius whose intellect and creativity need to be fed and nurtured. Read on
#Proud Moments Showcase
Our students worked with an author &
so proud of our social entrepreneurs!* Check out the social enterprises created by students who took our Young Entrepreneurship Program (YEP)
So proud that two of our students were invited to talk about their entrepreneurial journey at the Career Exploration Day for students conducted by Speak to Connect, Princeton.
Mindbytes at the NJ statehouseProud of our student Jay who showcased his python-based game to help children improve Math skills at the NJ STEM Fair held at the NJ Statehouse on March 25,2019. Equally proud were distinguished Assemblymen and Assemblywomen to meet this Young Author of 4 books who wrote his first book at 6, built his own website at 9, went on learn programming and has now taken his work beyond the classroom.
![]() Jan 2020, Mindbytes Partnered with Greenway Family Success Center in conducting STEM workshop series. First stop was Introduction to Game Design to children between the ages of 9 and 13. It was a great experience to see bright young minds of all abilities being engaged and glad that it opened up a new world for them. Jean Krauss Youth Leadership and Career Development Forum
Mrs. Pavithra Lakshminarayan presented on different post-secondary options- college pathways. This session provided participants with an understanding of college admissions process, non-traditional options for college entry, STEM skills shaping the future and the importance of guided and career pathways when making education decisions.
Partnered with lenape pto
family stem night
Meet the young authors at the Mount laurel fall FEstival
Congratulations to our Young Authors for doing a fabulous job of reading their books
at the Mount Laurel Fall Festival 2018
at the Mount Laurel Fall Festival 2018
Anirudh - The Quest for the Dragon Egg
Siri - The Mystery of the Stolen Jewels
Radhika - The Magical Treehouse
Vraj - The Baseball Day
Siri - The Mystery of the Stolen Jewels
Radhika - The Magical Treehouse
Vraj - The Baseball Day
Mindbytes at the NJ State House!We got an opportunity to showcase our programs at the State House at Trenton, NJ on March 26,2018. Many Senators, Assemblymen, and Assemblywomen stopped by to see our work and hear from our student
Proud of our Young Authors!Jay Kadire, who articulated his experience authoring 4 books through Mindbytes' "Make Your Storybook" program, has been accepted at The Lawrenceville School.
* We also had our famous Meet the Young Authors Program, at Young Mind Toys, Marlton. Audience not only saw our children proudly read their books but witnessed a variety of Animation stories presented by our senior students.
Check out a sample book - Trees of Humanity We are proud of our Young Authors!
Mindbytes conducted a special Reader's Workshop at the Mount Laurel Library. Mrs. Roseboro Brown, Reading Specialist at the Mount Laurel Schools, provided tips to children on "How to Read to an Audience for Best Impact" As a preparation for the Meet the Young Authors Program, we hosted an exclusive reader’s workshop conducted by Mrs. Trace, Librarian & a media specialist from one of the Mt. Laurel elementary schools. |
STEM event for a charter school students in Camden,NJMindbytes along with Camden Dream Center conducted STEM workshop for children at Freedom Prep charter school in Camden, NJ on March 19 & March 20, 2018. Over 100+ children attended our workshops and they want more of this
Celebrating NJ STEM Month @ Brick Branch,